31 May 2019 (Fri)
  Room S221 Room S224 – 225 / Room S226 – 227
0900 – 1030 Oral Abstracts Presentation
Best Posters Presentation Group 1 – 3 (S226 – 227)
1100 – 1230 Best Abstracts Presentation Best Posters Presentation Group 4 – 6 (S226 – 227)
1230 – 1400 Lunch Break
1400 – 1730 • HKCC-HKPHCA Challenging / Interesting Clinical Cardiology Cases Presentation I (S221)
• HKCC-HKPHCA Challenging / Interesting Clinical Cardiology Cases Presentation II (S221)
1730 – 1830 Heart and Diabetes Symposium 1600 – 1900
• Free Paper Session: Paediatric Cardiology I (S224 – 225)
• Free Paper Session: Paediatric Cardiology II (S224 – 225)
1930 - 2130 Faculty Dinner (By invitation only)

1 June 2019 (Sat)
  Room S221 Room S224 – 225 Room S226 – 227
0800 – 1245 • Heart Team Breakfast Symposium
• Coronary Ischaemia Symposium
• Heart Failure Symposium
0830 – 1230
• Paediatric Cardiology Symposium I
• Free Paper Session: Paediatric Cardiology III
0930 – 1200
Allied Cardiovascular Health Professionals Symposium
1245 – 1400 Lunch Symposium (S221)
1400 – 1515 Congregation and Opening Ceremony (S221)
1515 – 1830 • HKHF Symposium
• ACS in Action
• ACC-HKCC Joint Symposium
• Paediatric Cardiology Symposium II
• Best Interesting Clinical Cases Presentation Competition (Paediatric)
1900 – 2030 Gala Reception (Venue: Divino Patio)

2 June 2019 (Sun)
  Room S221 Room S224 – 225
(Cardiology Course for General Practitioners)
0900 – 1300 • Hypertension and AF Symposium
• Best Challenging / Interesting Cardiac Intervention Cases Presentation
• Preventive Cardiology: Expanding the role of GP in cardiology
• Cardiology Updates: What a GP needs to know
1300 – 1400 Lunch Symposium (S221)
1400 – 1730 • Best HKCC-HKPHCA Challenging / Interesting Clinical Cardiology Cases Presentation
• Heart Rhythm Symposium
• Common Cardiology Challenges in General Practice
• Cardiology Issues in Women and Paediatrics

*Program is subject to change without prior notice.