
Cardiology Course for General Practitioners

2 June 2019 (Sun)

Time Session & Topic Speaker
  Preventive Cardiology: Expanding the role of GP in cardiology (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Elaine MC Chau, Daniel HF Fong
0900 – 0930 Cardiac risk assessment: Risk calculators & cardiac imaging
Carmen WS Chan
0930 – 1000 LDL Cholesterol: How low to go & how do we get there?
Alan KC Chan
1000 – 1030 Atrial fibrillation screening in general practice for stroke prevention
Bryan PY Yan
1030 – 1100 Tea break & exhibition
  Cardiology Updates: What a GP needs to know (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Duncan HK Ho, Yam-hong Wong, Kam-sang Woo
1100 – 1130 Is there still a role for aspirin in primary prevention?
Frankie CC Tam
1130 – 1200 Optimal duration of dual-antiplatelet therapy after PCI: The long and short of it
Thomas Prabowo Tunggal
1200 – 1230 Declaring the new landscape of T2DM in primary care setting
Marc P. Bonaca
1230 – 1400 Lunch Symposium (Please refer to the scientific program) (S221)
  Common Cardiology Challenges in General Practice (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Chi-wo Chan, Jacky K Chan, John TH Wong
1400 – 1430 How to manage resistant hypertension?
John TH Wong
1430 – 1500 Step-by-step guide to manage heart failure in primary care
Danny HF Chow
1500 – 1530 Management of stable angina and when to refer
Gary YK Mak
1530 – 1600 Tea break & exhibition
  Cardiology Issues in Women and Paediatrics (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: King-loong Cheung, Nai-chung Fong
1600 – 1620 Heart disease in women: Putting prevention into practice
Kathy LF Lee
1620 – 1640 Common congenital heart diseases in the young
Man-ching Yam
1640 – 1700 Kawasaki disease and coronary artery complications
Maria SH Lee
1700 – 1710 Q&A

 *The program is subject to change without prior notice.