
Paediatric Cardiology Symposium

31 May 2019 (Fri)

Time Session & Topic
1600 – 1730  Free Paper Session: Paediatric Cardiology I (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Geoffrey CF Mok, Hui-shen Wang, Tak-cheung Yung
1730 – 1900 Free Paper Session: Paediatric Cardiology II (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Nai-chung Fong, Xin Li, Yu-mei Xie


1 Jun 2019 (Sat)

Time Session & Topic Speaker
0830 – 0835 Welcome Address Tak-cheung Yung
0835 – 1035 Paediatric Cardiology Symposium I (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Shu-bao Chen, Chi-wai Cheung, Kin-shing Lun, Shu-shui Wang
  Applications of phase contrast imaging in congenital heart disease
Presentation Video
Kenneth KY Cheung
Cardiac MRI improves diagnostic accuracy and characterization in children with cardiomyopathy
Presentation Video
Yuting Zhang
Fetal cardiac MRI for congenital heart disease
Presentation Video
Ming Zhu
Fetal echocardiographic diagnosis of absent pulmonary valve syndrome Wei Pan
Role of CMR in Ebstein anomaly. Timing and candidacy for surgical repair
Marina Hughes
1035 – 1100 Tea break & exhibition
1100 – 1230 Free Paper Session: Paediatric Cardiology III (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Pak-cheong Chow, Hong Li, Xiao-yun Wu
1230 – 1400 Lunch Symposium (Please refer to the scientific program) (S221)
1400 – 1515 Congregation & Opening Ceremony (S221)
1515 – 1630 Paediatric Cardiology Symposium II (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Yiu-fai Cheung, Hong Gu, Silin Pan, Dora ML Wong
  Non-invasive imaging for the complex RVOT – Before and after intervention
Marina Hughes
Transcatheter ablation of arrhythmias in congenital heart disease: Role of non-invasive imaging
Presentation Video
Sabrina SL Tsao
Cardiac MRI detection of coronary artery lesion of Kawasaki disease in children
Presentation Video
Xi-hong Hu
Cardiac magnetic resonance assessment of myocarditis
Presentation Video
Xiaohai Ma
1630 – 1700 Tea break & exhibition
1700 – 1830 Best Interesting Clinical Cases Presentation Competition (S224 – 225)
Chairpersons: Kai-tung Chau
Panelist & Judges: Maria SH Lee, Lok-yee So

*Program is subject to change without prior notice.