Call for Cases and Abstracts

The Organizing Committee of the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology welcomes the submission of Cardiac Intervention Case, Clinical Cardiology Case and Abstract presentation. Please read carefully the following instructions to submit your case and abstract.

Event Dates: 31 May 2019 – 2 June 2019
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2019
Notification Date: Before April 2019
Submission Portal:
(Submission by email/fax/post will NOT be accepted)


Please click the buttons below for respective guidelines.

The Organizing Committee invites you to submit cases and abstracts according to the following themes:

  • Adult Congenital Heart Disease
  • Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
  • Cardiac Imaging
  • Cardiac Pacing and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Heart Failure
  • Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia
  • Paediatric Cardiology
  • Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
  • Structural Heart Intervention
  • Valvular Heart Disease
  • Others

All presenters are required to pre-register to the Congress by 23 April 2019 to present their works.


Call for Challenging / Interesting Cardiac Intervention Cases

General information

  1. Submission of challenging / interesting cardiac intervention cases for presentation at the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology is welcomed.  Submitted cases should not have been presented at any previous meeting held in Hong Kong prior to the 27th Annual Scientific Congress.  Former presentation at international meetings does not disqualify.
  2. Submitted cases should not have been published in any local or international journal prior to the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  3. Cases must be submitted through the online submission system.
  4. The case must be written in English.
  5. Cases must be submitted no later than the deadline of 15 March 2019.

Content of the case submission

  1. Do not include any abbreviation in the title of the case.  Include the family names and initials of all authors.  Do not include degrees of authors.  Include the names and locations of the institutions in which the case was managed.
  2. Organize the body of the case submission with the following headings:
    Background: In an initial paragraph, provide relevant background information for the case, preferably in no more than one or two sentences.
    Case: Describe the patient, history and details of the cardiac intervention procedure performed.
    Decision-making: Discuss what choices were made during the cardiac intervention procedure, how you proceeded and any relevant teaching points.
    Conclusion: State the conclusions reached.
  3. References and credits must not be included in the case submission.  Do not include street address, postal code or degrees.  Formulae should in general be avoided.  The use of standard abbreviations is desirable.  Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full words the first time it appears in the case submission.
  4. The case submission should not contain more than 400 words.  Representative figures are encouraged.  Each figure equals 80 words and is included as part of the 400 words limit.  Figures should be of high resolution and have a file type of “gif”, “jpg” or “jpeg”.

Review, selection and publication

  1. All cases will be reviewed and scored by the Abstract Review Committee.  A case may be accepted for oral presentation, or it may be rejected.
  2. Cases accepted for presentation will be published in a Supplement of the Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  3. Once accepted, copyright of the case will be transferred to the Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  4. Cases accepted for oral presentation will be shortlisted for the competition of three Best Interesting/Challenging Cardiac Intervention Case Awards, with one of them dedicated to the best case presented by a fellow-in-training (defined as trainee in an accredited cardiology training program).  A cash prize of HK$3,000.00 and a trophy each will be awarded. 

Call for Challenging / Interesting Clinical Cardiology Cases

General information

  1. Submission of interesting/challenging cardiology cases for presentation at the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology is welcomed.  Submitted cases should not have been presented at any previous meeting held in Hong Kong prior to the 27th Annual Scientific Congress.  Former presentation at international meetings does not disqualify.
  2. Submitted cases should not have been published in any local or international journal prior to the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  3. Cases must be submitted through the online submission system.
  4. The case must be written in English.
  5. Cases must be submitted no later than the deadline of 15 March 2019.

Content of the case submission

  1. Do not include any abbreviation in the title of the case.  Include the family names and initials of all authors.  Do not include degrees of authors.  Include the names and locations of the institutions in which the case was managed.
  2. Organize the body of the case submission with the following headings:
    Background: In an initial paragraph, provide relevant background information for the case, preferably in no more than one or two sentences.
    Case: Describe the patient, history and any other relevant information that led to the decision-making.
    Decision-making: Discuss what choices were made based on the case, how you proceeded and any relevant teaching points.
    Conclusion: State the conclusions reached.
  3. References and credits must not be included in the case submission.  Do not include street address, postal code or degrees.  Formulae should in general be avoided.  The use of standard abbreviations is desirable.  Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full words the first time it appears in the case submission.
  4. The case submission should not contain more than 400 words.  Tables and graphics may be included.  Each table or graphics equals 80 words and is included as part of the 400 words limit.  Graphics should be of high resolution and have a file type of “gif”, “jpg” or “jpeg”.

Review, selection and publication

  1. All cases will be reviewed and scored by the Abstract Review Committee.  A case may be accepted for oral presentation, or it may be rejected.
  2. Cases accepted for presentation will be published in a Supplement of the Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  3. Once accepted, copyright of the case will be transferred to the Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  4. Cases accepted for oral presentation will be shortlisted for the competition of three Best Interesting/Challenging Clinical Cardiology Case Awards, with one of them dedicated to the best case presented by a fellow-in-training (defined as trainee in an accredited cardiology training program).  A cash prize of HK$3,000.00 and a trophy each will be awarded. 

Call for Abstracts

General information

  1. Submission of abstracts of original research for presentation at the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology is welcomed.  Submitted abstracts should not have been presented at any previous scientific meeting held in Hong Kong prior to the 27th Annual Scientific Congress.  Former presentation at international meetings does not disqualify.
  2. Submitted abstracts should not have been published in any local or international journal in full paper form prior to the 27th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  3. Abstracts must be submitted through the online submission system.
  4. The abstract must be written in English.
  5. Abstracts must be submitted no later than the deadline of 15 March 2019.

Content of the abstract

  1. Do not include any abbreviation in the title of the abstract.  Include the family names and initials of all authors.  Do not include degrees of authors.  Include the names and locations of the institutions in which the research was performed.
  2. Organize the body of the abstract with the following headings:
    Background: In an initial paragraph, provide relevant information on the background and   purpose of the study, preferably in no more than one or two sentences.
    Methods: Briefly state the methodology used.
    Results: Summarize the results in sufficient details to support the conclusions.
    Conclusion: State the conclusions reached.
  3. References and credits must not be included in the abstract.  Do not include street address, postal code, degrees or grant support.  Formulae should in general be avoided.  The use of standard abbreviations is desirable.  Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full words the first time it appears in the abstract.
  4. The abstract should not contain more than 400 words.  Simple tables and graphics may be included.  A table or a graphic equals 80 words and is included as part of the 400 words limit.  Graphics should be of high resolution and have a file type of “gif”, “jpg” or “jpeg”.

Abstract review, selection and publication

  1. All abstracts will be reviewed and scored by the Abstract Review Committee.  An abstract may be accepted for oral or poster presentation, or it may be rejected.
  2. Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a Supplement of the Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  3. Once accepted, copyright of the abstract will be transferred to the Hong Kong College of Cardiology.
  4. Abstracts accepted for oral presentation will be shortlisted for the competition of three Best Paper Awards, with one of them dedicated to the best paper presented by a fellow-in-training (defined as trainee in an accredited cardiology training program).  A cash prize of HK$3,000.00 and a trophy each will be awarded. 
  5. Best Poster Award with a cash prize of HK$3,000.00 and a trophy will be awarded to the top poster.


Presentation Guidelines

Please read the guidelines carefully and prepare your presentation.

The official language of the Congress is English.

Please arrive at the session room at least 20 minutes prior to your session to check your presentation file and meet with the session chairs / judges / other speakers of the session. Please be seated at the first row which will be reserved for speakers, presenters and session chairs.

Please read and follow the below instructions carefully.

Presentation File

Please submit your presentation file in MS PowerPoint format (.ppt or .pptx) in 16:9 display ratios.

Presentation File Submission Link:

Please login in with your current account and password.

Even if you have submitted your PowerPoint file(s) through the submission link, you are encouraged to also bring along your files in a USB to the session as a backup.

Presentation File Submission Deadline

22 May 2019 (Wednesday)


Please click the link below for the guidelines of different sessions and presentation types.

• Guidelines for Best Abstracts Presentation

• Guidelines for Oral Abstracts Presentation

• Guidelines for Best Cardiac Intervention Cases Presentation

• Guidelines for Best Clinical Cardiology Cases Presentation

• Guidelines for Clinical Cardiology Cases Presentation

• Guidelines for Paediatric Free Paper Presentation

• Guidelines for Paediatric Case Presentation

• Guidelines for e-Poster Presentation

*Click here for the official e-poster template.

You are highly recommended to use our PC computer for your presentation.
If you would like to use your personal Mac/iPad for your presentation, please be reminded to bring a suitable adaptor and your files in a USB to the session as a backup. It is important for you to be present at your session room at least 20 minutes before the beginning of the session to do testing.