Best Abstract Award
Abstract No: 4
Abstract Title: Efficacy and Safety of Novel Biodegradable Device for Closure of Atrial Septal Defect: From Preclinical Study to First-in-Man Experience
Abstract Presenter: Dr Yifan Li (China)


Fellow-in-training Best Abstract Award
Abstract No: 71
Abstract Title: Drug-coated balloon in de novo small vessel coronary artery lesion
Abstract Presenter: Dr Lap Tin Lam (Hong Kong)


Best Cardiac Intervention Case Award
Abstract No: 47
Abstract Title: Successful retriveal of entrapped rotablator after failure of traditional method
Abstract Presenter: Dr Andrew YW Li (Hong Kong)


Fellow-in-training Best Intervention Case Award
Abstract No: 67
Abstract Title: A missing vessel
Abstract Presenter: Dr Lap Tin Lam (Hong Kong)


Best Clinical Cardiology Case Award
Abstract No: 45
Abstract Title: An obstacle in the way
Abstract Presenter: Dr Wai Ling Jessica Poon (Hong Kong)


Fellow-in-training Best Clinical Cardiology Case Award
Abstract No: 95
Abstract Title: A neurogenic block
Abstract Presenter: Dr Karl Chan (Hong Kong)


Best Paediatric Abstract Award
Abstract No: 68
Abstract Title: Genotype and Phynotype of Chinese Pediatric Patients with IPAH/HPAH
Abstract Presenter: Dr Hongsheng Zhang (China)


Best Paediatric Clinical Cardiology Case Presentation Award
Abstract No: 146
Abstract Title: Two cases report of sinus rhythm restored after surgical removal of the occluder for late complete left bundle branch block developed post-occlusion of perimembernous ventricular septal defect
Abstract Presenter: Dr Yi-Fan Li (China)


Oral Abstracts Award
Abstract No: 122
Abstract Title: Role of pre-discharge cardiovascular magnetic resonance in myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary angiography: regional Australian experience
Abstract Presenter: Dr Willis Lam (Australia)


Clinical Cardiology Case Presentation Award
Abstract No: 125
Abstract Title: Progressive dyspnea: pulmonary embolism refractory to anticoagulation
Abstract Presenter: Dr Jiaohua Chen (China)


Clinical Cardiology Case Presentation Award
Abstract No: 9
Abstract Title: Weathering an adenosine insensitive right ventricular outlow tract ventriclular tachycardia (adenosine insensitive RVOT VT) storm in an adolescent female. A case report
Abstract Presenter: Dr Jose Eduardo Duya (Philippines)


Best Poster Award
Abstract No: 129
Abstract Title: Seasonal variation of the 12-lead ECG, cardiac structure and function on 2D and speckle tracking echocardiography in the elite senior rugby league athlete
Abstract Presenter: Prof John Somauroo (United Kingdom)